Harrison had his first "sponge bath"...as you can see by the pictures he was pretty wet from the bath thanks to my three year old assistant. oh well, i'm sure his cord will still fall off, right? Harrison absolutely hated the bath....maybe next time will be better (when I bathe him alone!).
The other night I was laying in bed with Graham when he asked me if I would hold him. By that he means me standing up holding him in my arms. Well, I tried to explain to him that I couldn't hold him like that (since I had a c-section) but that I could hold him in my lap sitting down. As I was holding Graham we had a conversation that went something like this:
Graham: Why can't you hold me?
Me: Because my doctor said I can't hold big boys like you until my tummy gets better.
Graham: (sighing) Well, I guess I need a new mommy.
Me: (trying not to laugh) A new mommy like who?
Graham: A new mommy like Nannie (Mick's mom).
3 years ago
6 Replies:
Hmmm, I think someone is jealous of all the attention his new little brother is getting. The pictures are precious, and I'm glad to see that Graham is wanting to "help". I'm trying to figure out my PTO status because I really want to come back to Houston for a few days soon. I'll let you know what I find out. Love you guys!
Nice Graham!
What a doll! I love the name Harrison....it was on our list. So happy for you guys. Brothers are the best and just wait b/c you'll have lots of tearful days when you watch them interact and grow to love each other so much!!
Sweet, sweet pictures! What fun memories it brings back seeing "first bath" pictures!! Harrison is adorable; I was jealous that Chad got to see him first!! Love Grahams 3yr. old perspective on life right now, so funny!
ok--that is just hilarious. he wants a new mommy. i know the "will you hold me, mommy?" question. but we don't have a little one like you so it usually means, "i really don't want to do what you asked me to do." please keep adding pics. love them. be in houston next week to see mr. harrison in person. amy...martin :)
The "new mommy" story is too funny! Hope Graham is handling everything OK. And you guys too! Harrison is so precious. I think it goes by even faster with #2-- try to enjoy it.
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