Harrison had his two month check up last week and he is growing like a weed! I have a suspicion that he will be bigger than Graham...shhhhh, don't tell Graham that just yet...let him figure it out when they start beating each other up (which I'm sure won't be long)! Harrison weighed just under 12 lbs (50 %) and is 50% for height and 75% for head! He is starting to smile more and "talk". He sleeps about 4-5 hours at a time each night...something Graham didn't do until he was close to a year old! The BEST news is he is going to bed around 7:30 or 8pm and sleeping until I feed him at 10:30pm.....this is HUGE! That means Mick and I get an evening to ourselves! Yea!
I go back to work next Thursday...I think I'm ready, but we'll see when the day actually comes. I miss my patients and my friends at work, but I hate that I have to send Harrison to daycare so young. Graham did it and has turned out okay, so I'm sure Harrison will do just fine!
Mick started school last week and is working two mornings a week at the nursing home. So far everything is good with him. He just sent his Bar application in today and will take the Bar in Feb.
We are headed back to Dallas this weekend to see family...we had a GREAT weekend at the lake with friends last weekend (more to come on that)....so until then have a wonderful Tuesday!
4 years ago
2 Replies:
So glad your evenings are getting better. That alone time in the evening saves us!
That's SO awesome!! Glad mr. Harrison is growing healthy and sleeping MORE for you! He's such a cutie!
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