I have a confession.
Squirrels scare me.
They look all innocent and fluffy. Makes you kind of want to have one for a pet.
Until they stand up on their hind legs and look at you like they want to attack your leg.
So when I see a squirrel running around a tree, I tend to walk a little faster and try not to make eye contact for fear they will think of me as a threat and attack!
4 years ago
4 Replies:
Good to know...squirrels and feet. I'll keep those in mind.
One time I came home from work and there was a squirrel sitting on my bedside table, ever since that moment they have really freaked me out.
If it makes you feel any better-I feel the same way about birds!
They're really scary when they start making that chirping sound, and their tail starts moving really fast...that's when they look like they're going to attack!
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