So I have officially labeled Harrison as a colicky baby. The past 4 nights he has screamed bloody murder for 2 or more hours straight at night. I think he might have a little reflux that is causing him to be colicky, so I called in a prescription for Zantac this weekend and hopefully that will start helping. The only positive thing is that he will cry like that before we go to bed, then he will sleep pretty well through the night. I would rather him cry before we go to bed then at 2am! So in honor of my colicky baby I thought I would give you my top 10 list of "How you know you have a colicky baby".
1. You look down and realize you have been wearing the same shirt for the past two days.....and you don't care.
2. You ask your husband at dinner "did I take a shower today?"
3. You pick sleep over eating.
4. Your three year old asks "Why is Harrison crying again?"
5. You fall asleep nursing in the middle of the night and wake up an hour later...child still latched on!
6. You wonder if caffeine can be given in IV form.
7. You frantically search on line for "treatments for colic"
8. Your husband says to you "your the one who wanted another child!"
9. You avoid leaving the house after lunch for fear your child will have a melt down and make a scene.
10. Your favorite part of the day is when the baby is sleeping.
I know things will get better, but it's so hard when he screams for hours and there is nothing you can do to console him.
3 years ago
6 Replies:
You are really funny! I love your top 10 lists - they are as good as Leno's. Just remember these are the things you can hold over his head for his entire life!
Hang in there it does get better - look how you turned out.edcfbl
I hope you find some miracle for the crying. I have had lots of things, but colic is not one of them. I hope it gets better soon. And for the record, I can answer yes to more than a few of those questions. What does that mean I have?
I'm so sorry to hear about Harrison! You can expect a call from me (if I can find your phone number) because I know from recent experience that you could use someone to vent to! I am glad you still have a sense of humor-- that is the only way to make it through. I hope the Zantac is helping! Talk to you soon!
I found a blog that you might be interested in checking
I read over some of the things in it and it was pretty informational.
Luv, Mimi
Oh poor babies (you and the real baby)! I hope that the Zantac helps both of you. Tell Harrison, that if it makes him feel any better, that I can totally sympathize with him on the reflux...and sometimes it makes me want to scream too. At least he is letting you sleep at night!
Love and miss you all.
I'm sure Colic IS good birth control!
For me---it's Walmart. Walmart is the best birth control.
Hope the colic gets better soon!
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