Graham thought that Harrison needed to sport some know how the Houston sun can be!! The first picture makes me laugh out loud....he looks like he is laughing, but really he is crying...maybe because we were laughing at him!
3 years ago
4 Replies:
That is toooo funny! Oh the things older brothers and sisters do their younger sibs. You're right he does look like he's laughing!
Now show us some of his face without the "Hollywood" effect.
Miss you guys tremendously and can't wait to see all 4 of you again.
Guess Who?
You know I was thinking today about our baby and toddler and how they grow so fast and it's hard to remember what they looked like at the various stages in their lives; so I was wondering if you would have any interest in posing G and JP together each month with a sign that says how old each one is on that date. Also doing one of just JP by himself(his first year at least). I think it would be nice to have one picture each month to chronicle the changes that are so subtle they can easily be forgotten.
Signed: Someone who desperately wants to not be a meddler, but just can't help herself at times!
I read something today that I just love "The days are long, but the years are short". Something to think about when the little ones won't sleep and you want to pull your hair out.
That is so funny! We have had several similar episodes at our house. I guess that's all part of having 2!
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