Yes, this is the name of Graham's soccer team....I know, very intimidating! GRRRR! We have been talking about soccer for about two months now and the day finally came to play his first game! I wasn't sure how he was going to do...but he LOVED it! The score was 3-2 in favor of the Beavers....and did I mention that Graham scored all 3 goals for his team? Mick was a little proud!! Here are a few pictures...stay tuned for a video of his game! Exciting stuff!
4 years ago
7 Replies:
Way to go Graham! I'm impressed! That should be fun watching him on the field this fall. Glad life is getting more back to normal for you guys after Ike!
Yay Grahm! They all look so cute in their uniforms; they almost swallow them! I'm sure ya'll are getting a kick out of watching him play!
Wow, Graham! You are a stud!
Seriously. Do they not look at the age group before they pass out uniforms? Alyssa's 3yr old uniform would fit her now. But now they have moved her up to the 7 yr size. Glad to see things are the same in Houston.
I think we have the next David Beckham on our hands...what a stud! It's funny to see how most of the kids look so lost on the field, and Graham has his eyes on the ball the whole time. I can't wait to get to see a game!
wow, all 3 goals! i know they typically don't "keep score" so there aren't winners/losers, but seriously...of course the parents do, especially when your boy scores all the goals! how cute he looks. amy
The Beavers? Really? Your son's soccer team is named the Beavers? He will be so proud when he is 14. Amy wants to make sure you know this is Troy and not her.
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